Quinlube #19 can be used for medium to heavy duty machining and grinding operations requiring maximum cleanliness, cooling and corrosion protection. It is well suited for use on carbon steel, cast iron and other ferrous alloys.
Quinlube #19 is readily bio-degradable as per ISO 7827: 1994 (AS4351.2 – 1996). It contains no phenols, polychlorinated biphenyls, mercurials, nitrites, phosphates or borates.
Benefits of Quinlube #19 are:
- Multi-phase organic corrosion inhibitor system provides outstanding corrosion protection, even under high humidity “wet stacking” conditions.
- Contains no nitrites or nitrosamine compounds.
- Highly polar, synthetic lubricating ingredients which reduce wheel and/or tool wear and produce good finish characteristics.
- Maintains high bio-resistance. Greatly reduces odours and fungal/bacterial sludges.
- Contains no inorganic salts of any type. Deposits a light, fluid, residual film with good lubrication properties.
- Provides very good cleanliness, which keeps grinding wheels open and freecutting.
- Maintains clean machine surfaces.
- Provides excellent wetting and heat transfer properties.
- Contains no harmful or harsh ingredients.
- Low foaming.
- Stable micro-emulsions formed over a wide range of water hardness.